^Quote: we’ll definitely be adding more Stuarts in the future, including the Soviet lend-lease version.
Though the Stuart was to be completely replaced by the newer M24 Chaffee, the number of M3s/M5s produced was so great (over 25,000 including the 75mm HMC M8) that the tank remained in service until the end of the war, and well after. In addition to the U.S, UK and Soviet Union, who were the primary users, it was also used by France, China (M3A3s and, immediately post-war, M5A1s) and Josip Broz Tito's Partisans in Yugoslavia (M3A3s and few M3A1).
斯图亚特后来被M24霞飞完全替代,但是生产了总共25000辆(包括了75炮版本的 HMC M8,就是游戏里这之前活动的那个M8A1 系列)的斯图亚特一直服役到战争结束。除了美国,英国,苏联以外,法国、中国和南斯拉夫反抗军都有大量使用